[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] Room 27 – The Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino Room
» Room 27 Paintings

Pontormo. Jacopo Carrucci, born in Pontormo near Empoli (1494), a contemporary of Piero di Cosimo and Andrea del Sarto. He was influenced by Michelangelo and by Dürer engravings, and became a mediate artist, creator of tormented and restless works, as shown here in his celebrated Supper at Emmaus. Among the other works in the room notice the predella with Stories of St. Acacius, by the Florentine Francesco Ubertini called il Bacchiacca, genial designer of cartoons for tapestries. The Sienese painter Beccafumi is duly represented with some of his works.

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