[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] Room 21 – The Bellini and Giorgione Room
» Paintings of the Room 21

Dedicated to Giovanni Bellini, to his pupil Giorgione and others of their school. Here we can admire the famous Allegory of Purgatory by Giovanni Bellini, inspired by a 13th century French poem, and a dramatic Pietà (datable circa 1490). Although in this work, color, the fundamental element of Bellini's painting, is absent, we can still observe the tonal sensitivity of his art, though the luminous and silvery rendering of the "grisaille". Cima da Conegliano, follower of Bellini, is present here with a Madonna Child, with light and transparent colors. By Giorgione we admire the Judgement of Solomon and Moses as a Child before the Pharoah, extremely delicate works, rendered with tapestry of the Deposition executed by Nicholas Karcher (1549-1553), from a cartoon by Francesco Salviati. In the following room are other tapestries by the same authors, representing the Ascension and Ecce Homo. Observe on the wall above the tapestry, the war ruins around the Ponte Vecchio (1944), frescoed by the restores after the liberation of the city.

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