[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] Uffizi Gallery - Info on Timetable, Prices and Tickets Reservation

General Information

Here there are some very important information for anyone willing to visit the real "Uffizi Gallery".

Address: Loggiato degli Uffizi, 6 - Florence (gallery entrance)

Direction and Secretariat: Via della Ninna 5 - 50122 Florence

Tel: +39 055 2388651-652
Fax: +39 055 2388699
(do not call the above numbers for reservations).

Opening Hours: Tuesday-Sunday 8.15am-7.00pm

Closing days: every Monday, January 1, May 1, December 25.

Uffzi Ticket: Euro 6,50.
Euro 3,50 for European citizens over 18 and under 25.
The access is free for Italian citizens under 18 or over 65 and for foreign citizens from those countries for which reciprocity holds.
Tickets sale ends 45 minutes before closing.

Services: cloack room, bar, bookshop.

The ticket office is located on the ground floor; the gallery is mainly located on the second floor.

Reservation Service

The booking service is available in the reception area of the New Uffizi, and via a telephone booking centre.

The information and booking desks for uffizi ticket are open during the museum opening times (from Tuesday to Sunday, from 8.30 to 19.00);

The telephone booking centre (+39 (0)55 294883) is open from Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8.30 to 12.30. Fax +39(.(0)55.264406

Visiting either of the two information desks or phoning the booking centre, you will receive free information on opening times, exhibitions, admission charges. There is a booking and advance sales charge of Euro 3.00. Booking will only be considered confirmed after payment has taken place.

Booking uffizi tickets means reducing waiting times to the minimum, and avoiding the queues.
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]