Arts & Antiques Fair
Objects Exposition

Oil painting showing "San Paolo"

The painting is signed on the bottom-right by Domingo Martinez, painter, born and lived in Siviglia at the end of the XVII century and the middle of the XVIII century.

The painting is in good conditions except some light grain imperfections in some places. The canvas was re-made during the XIX century.

Dimensions: 81 x 104 cm.
Pittura ad olio raffigurante "San Paolo"

Il dipinto è firmato in basso a destra Domingo Martinez, pittore nato e vissuto a Siviglia tra la fine del '600 e la metà del '700

In buono stato di conservazione salvo qualche sgranatura in alcuni punti. Presenta una reintelatura ottocentesca

Misure: 81 x 104 cm.
Exhibitor: A. FORTEBRACCIO s.a.s


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Arts & Antiques




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